Sunday, July 13, 2008

At exactly 10:00pm Friday 11 of july i finished my lvl 20 license!! yay!! XDD i did it only once @_@ which for my level of skill is a miracle =-= (for more info asked udon) so yea...as i was sooo happy..that i nearly failed but thankfully the space bar was being nice to me =] anyway here's the vid: ^^V

oh and there's a char that i played with one time and he's awesome @_@ well better than me though. Full Chance lvl 6 @_@ goddamn it! anyway..i love the score so much that i saved his gameplay. I'll post it later^^V

Friday, July 4, 2008

Yesterday at exactly 10:00 pm i watch the Victoria Fashion Show 2007 in star world. It was great! my mouth was gaping the whole freakin show and it seems everytime i closed it, my jaw drops again. (omg..am i turning gay like chu? O_O'')

Anyway, although it was fantastic as will.i.am and Spice girls were there, BUT i admit it was not as good when all the famous supermodels were there. I think, for me at least, it starts to deterioate after 2005. I dunno maybe because of the song that i didn't really like.

Anyway, here's some pics of my favourite outifit for 2007 xD:




But personally i still like the 2005 better for tyra banks, and gisele bunchen is still there.

gisele bunchen in 2005 and 2006:



(for tyra you can see it in the vid below =D)

T_T here's a vid of the 2005 fashion show with my fav song on it XD (yesh another fav song lols XD)

Enjoy XD :

Song: Audio Bullys feat. Nacy Sinatra - Shot You Down
Credits to: coldvic
Wednesday, July 2, 2008


Well, it did not necessarily broke though =-= it's just that the wiring thingy used for the cpu is used by my bro for HIS NEW PENTIUM. (get what i mean? me neither =-=)

OKAY...so basicly i'm bored..using my bro's com with his aw so awsome looking CPU T_T
oh i did got a chance of playing audition yesterdah though. And guess what, i broke another record!! XD

Dynamic 4 145Bpm score: 612k [XDD]

i still can't use chance though T_T so yea...BUMMER.

anyway, the new patch of audition is quite ok. Different than what i expected though. But hey! i found another song that i love!! XDD

here's the vid enjoy =D:

note: there's no real MV for this song so yea..this is all i can offer XP
(credits to: daasia
Tuesday, July 1, 2008

it was 11:38 pm. She sighed as music filled her ears.
"It's too loud dear." her voice whispered in her head.
She still feel her presence. She still smells the sweet apple perfume she used to use.
She was alone. Well, it's not like i've never been like this before. She thought to herself.

The night stayed. Light remained hidden. Peeking through the cracks of the wall, slight glimmer of the stars shed her some hope. Though little, it still meant something for her. Leaning against the croocked chipped door she sighed again. Exhaustion was on it;s peak and she could hardly hear herself breath. And there she laid. Reminicing the memory she had left. The beautiful maiden of the Osterdam family.
Oh, hello!
Oh, hello there, stranger! I see you've found the secret door to my secret forest. Welcome && feel free to browse around! Though let's just keep this place a secret between you and me, okay? There's not enough bananas here for everyone!

Basically, I am a crazy little monkey and my name is Monkey#1. I am pink in color, pretty smart, too! Wanna know more? Click on the "profile" navigation above. :D

put your tagboard here! :D
don't have one?
get one from here!
they don't eat monkeys! :D

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