yay!! i'm bored!! XDD
Tuesday, December 5, 2006

Wee...i'm bored!! T_T tommorow is chemistry exam..and guess what? i haven't study and have no intention to XDD.. yays for laziness!!! -__-''

Well today is a day off from exam for me, it was good but then change to boring. I was sooo bored that all i can do was to stuff myself with food..-__-'' oh yea.. i played computer too for a few hours. As i was soooo bored, and full, i decided to watch "Way of blue sky" i borrowed from Chu yesterday. It is a japanese movies, and i thought it was good just like the other movies i watch. But i was wrong, the movie was very boring!!! my gosh!! At first.. i did not understand some, so i thought oh well maybe i'll understand in the middle. But guess what? NO!! up until now, i still don't understand what's the point of the story!?!?!? the story was only that five girls in love with one guy in a week. -__-'' what so great about it? i wonder. But in a way, i do understand it a bit. And guess what, it got subtitles! so there no reason for me not to understand what the heck they are saying. Ok back to the point. the stroy was boring, and theres no climax. Well that's my opinion don't know about you guys.

Well guess that's all..i need to study for my tests unfortunately.. -__-''
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